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KHIMIA Exhibition Experience

Qingdao Sincere Chemical Co.,Ltd accected our Booth No. 22E62 at KHIMIA Exhibition from Oct.30 to Nov.2 in Moscow of Russia. Participating in exhibitions is a very valuable activity,it has also brought many benefits to our company.

Firstly, participating in exhibitions allows us to quickly contact target customers at low cost. After contacting qualified customers at high-quality exhibitions, we can organize and follow up with customers in a timely manner. The workload of follow-up is relatively small, and it also improves the efficiency of order signing. efficiency.

Secondly,at the exhibition, we can have a concentrated exposure to numerous high-quality potential customers.Through the exhibition, we can meet potential customers face-to-face and quickly establish good customer relationships.

The last and most important point is that the exhibition provides an opportunity for market research and understanding of market conditions. We can conduct surveys with visitors to understand their basic requirements for price, use, quality, etc., and improve our after-sales service. We have also successfully introduced main line products such as Hydrochloric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Glacial Acetic Acid, Caustic Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, Formaldehyde, and Ammonium Hydroxide to the Russian market. We have also trial-sold new products and launched new brands to domestic and foreign customers to understand the development trends of the chemical industry, and ultimately achieve the purpose of promoting products and occupying the market.

Participating in exhibitions is a means to help us achieve market goals. It can increase the exposure of our products in the target market, bring us new orders, and provide as many sales channels as possible for our company’s subsequent business activities.Afterwards, we will also participate more in international exhibitions.


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